S4.1 – S4.3SS4 Protective barriersPEDESTRIAN PROTECTIVE BARRIERSS4.1 A protective barrier for pedestrians must be provided at the edge of -a. every floor, stair, ramp, raised floor or other raised accessible area where there is a difference inlevel of 600mm or more; andb. a landing where the route of travel from the adjoining level to the next flight changes directionthrough 90 degrees,except -i.where the barrier would be incompatible with normal use, such as a loading bay or stage; orii.where a wall, partition or fixed glazing at the edge of a drop in level meets the requirement of S4.3.S4.2 In a building of purpose group 1 or 5 or purpose sub-group 2A openings in a protective barrier must besmall enough to prevent the passage of a 100mm diameter sphere,except -the space between a rise and the lowest edge of the protective barrier may be larger if the lowest edge isnot more than 50 mm above, and parallel to, the pitch line of a stair or ramp.S4.3*A protective barrier must be -a. secure; and b. capable of resisting appropriate loads; andc. of a height at least that given in the table to this standard -Table to S4.3:Height of pedestrian protective barriersLocationMinimum height (mm)At the edge of a floor in front of walls, partitions,fixed glazing and opening windows800On a flight within or serving a single dwelling 840In front of or behind fixed seating800 [Note 1]On(a) a stair or ramp; or(b) a gallery or raised area within a single dwelling 900Elsewhere1100 [Note 2]Notes:1.The protective barrier may be reduced to 750 mm where it has an overall width at the top of atleast 250 mm.2.Where a handrail forming the top of a protective barrier to a flight meets a protective barrier to alanding, the height of the latter may be reduced for a distance not more than 300 mm to permit asmooth junction.Amdt: December 1999 16S