S3.18 – S3.22SLANDINGSS3.18 A landing, level except for any necessary slope for drainage, must be provided at the top and bottom ofevery flight of a stair or ramp,except -a. a landing may be common to two or more flights; andb. a landing is not required to a flight between the external door of -i.a building and the ground, balcony, conservatory, porch or private garage, where the doorslides or opens in a direction away from the flight and the aggregate rise is not more than600mm; orii.a dwelling or private garage ancillary to a dwelling and the ground, balcony, conservatory,or porch, other than a door required to be accessible for disabled people under Part Q,where the change in level is not more than 170mm.S3.19 The unobstructed length of a landing, measured along its centre line and clear of any door swing, mustbe at least 1.2 metres,except -a. in a dwelling, the length of a landing may reduce to at least 900mm; andb. a door may open onto a landing between flights such that at any angle of swing it does not dimin-ish the effective width of the landing to less than the width of the stair or ramp; andc. a door may open onto the bottom landing of a flight such that at any angle of swing a clear lengthof at least 400 mm is left across the full width of the landing.HANDRAILSS3.20 A stair or ramp for a change in level of more than 600mm, or a ramp longer than 2 metres, must have ahandrail on both sides of every flight,except -a. no handrail is required on a ramp serving a single dwelling where the change of level is no morethan 600mm; andb. a private stair in a dwelling connecting two or more storeys may have a handrail on only one side.S3.21 A stair or ramp more than 1.8 metres wide must be divided by a handrail, or handrails, in such a waythat each section is at least 1.1 metres and not more than 1.8 metres wide,except -a. a stair or ramp serving a single dwelling; orb. a stair between an entrance door to a building and ground level which does not form part of anescape route.S3.22 A handrail must be fixed at a height of at least 840mm and not more than 1 metre, measured verticallyabove the pitch line of the flight or surface of the landing.Amdt September 2001: 14S