S3.2, S3.3SRULES OF MEASUREMENTS3.2 The rise and going must be measured in accordance with the diagram to this standard -Diagram to S3.2: Stair measurementgoingopen riseSTAIR WIDTHnosing open rise 1 METREtreads should OR MOREgoing (not moretop surface of treadoverlap atthan maximum for riseleast 16mmtop surface of tread stair category)risergoing dimensionto be measuredfrom nosing to nosinggoing going (at leastwidthminimum for staircatagory)STAIR WIDTH LESSlanding lengthTHAN 1 METREmeasured oncentre line50mm minimum treadwidth at narrow endequalequalmeasure going at centre of tread. 270mm270mmmeasure from curved stair line,even whentread is in rectangular enclosureNote:1.The number of taperedtreads shown is indicative only. RISE, GOING AND PITCH OF FLIGHTS IN STAIRSS3.3 The maximum rise, minimum going and pitch of flights in stairs must be in accordance with the table tothis standard -Table to S3.3:Rise, going and pitch of flights in stairsDescription of stairMaximumMinimumMaximum pitchrise (mm)going (mm)[Note 1]1. Private stair 22022542º [Note 2]2.Any other stair17025034ºNote:1.In the case of tapered treads, subject to S3.12 to S3.14.2.The combination of maximum rise and minimum going will result in a pitch steeper than this.Amdt September 2001: 11S