S2.6 – S2.9Sf. within an area having fixed seating where wheelchair spaces and associated access are providedin accordance with S2.10; org.in a car park and parking garage of purpose sub-group 7B or 7C, storeys where car parking fordisabled people is not provided; orh.to more than half the public area of a restaurant or bar, provided there is access to the counter ina bar and to any self-service counter in a restaurant.S2.7*A change of level within a storey to which access for disabled people is required by S2.6 must beaccomplished by a -a.ramp; orb.stair, together with a means of providing unassisted movement between levels for wheelchairusers.INTERNAL DOORS AND LOBBIESS2.8 An internal door accessible to disabled people must -a. contain a leaf which provides a clear opening width of at least 750mm; andb. have an unobstructed space on the side next to the leading edge of at least 300mm in accordancewith the diagram to this standard,except -where the door is opened by automatic control; andc. where the door is across a corridor or passageway, have a clear glazed panel or panels giving azone of visibility from a height of no more than 900mm to at least 1.5 metres above finishedfloor level.Diagram to S2.8: Internal doors750mm300mmS2.9 An internal lobby accessible to disabled people must comply with S2.5.Amdt: December 1999 9S