S2.4 – S2.6Sb. have an unobstructed space on the side next to the leading edge of at least 300mm, in accordancewith the diagram to this standard,except -where the door is opened by automatic control; andc. have a clear glazed panel or panels giving a zone of visibility from a height of not more than900mm to at least 1.5 metres above finished floor level; andd. where it comprises a revolving door, be provided with an adjacent side hinged or automatic doorcomplying with a. to c.Diagram to S2.4: Principal entrance800mm300mmS2.5*Where an entrance lobby is provided it must be sized to -a. permit a wheelchair user to move clear of one door before using the next; andb. allow for someone assisting the wheelchair user; andc. permit an able-bodied person to pass.MOVEMENT WITHIN BUILDINGSS2.6*Access for disabled people must be provided to and throughout each storey of a building,except -a. to a storey containing only fixed plant or machinery the only normal visits to which are intermit-tent to inspect or maintain the fixed plant or machinery; orb. to any catwalk, racking or openwork floor; orc. to a storey, other than the principal entrance storey, or gallery in a building of not more than 2storeys where the storey or gallery is not more than 280 square metres in area excluding verticalcirculation, sanitary accommodation and plant rooms; ord. to a storey, other than the principal entrance storey, or gallery in a building of more than 2 storeyswhere the storey or gallery is not more than 200 square metres in area excluding vertical circula-tion, sanitary accommodation and plant rooms; ore. to a bedroom not having access to sanitary facilities suitable for disabled people in accordancewith Part M, in a building of purpose sub-group 2B not provided with a lift; orAmdt: December 1999 8S