SRegulation 32Access to and movement within buildings, and protectivebarriers32.(1) All users of a building shall be provided withadequate means of access, and adequatemeans of movement within the building bothhorizontally and vertically.(2) A building which contains fixed seatingaccommodation for an audience or spectatorsshall be provided with adequate level spacesfor wheelchairs.(3) Except where -(a)the provision of protective barriers wouldobstruct the use of such areas; or(b)in terms of the Technical Standards, suchprovision is not necessary,every stair, ramp, raised floor or other raisedaccessible area which forms part of a buildingor which is provided to meet a requirement ofthis regulation shall have a suitable protectivebarrier.(4) Paragraphs (1) and (2) shall not be subject tospecification in a notice served under section11 of the Act.Amdt: December 1999 6S