SContentsINTRODUCTIONREGULATION 32Access to and movement within buildings, and protective barriersTHE STANDARDSS1 Application of Part S S1.1-S1.3S2 Access to and movement within buildingsCar parking S2.1-S2.2Access to buildings S2.3Principal entrance S2.4-S2.5Movement within buildings S2.6-S2.7Internal doors and lobbies S2.8-S2.9Areas of audience and spectator fixed seating S2.10S3 Stairs and rampsGeneral standards for all stairs S3.1Rules of measurement S3.2Rise, going and pitch of a flights in stairs S3.3-S3.9Length of flights S3.10Risers and nosings S3.11Flights consisting partly of straight and partly of S3.12-S3.14tapered treadsFlights consisting wholly of tapered treads S3.15Pedestrian ramps S3.16-S3.17Landings S3.18-S3.19Handrails S3.20-S3.24Headroom S3.25Industrial stairs and fixed ladders S3.26Stairs and fixed ladders in agricultural buildings S3.27Steps in sloping gangways S3.28S4 Protective barriersPedestrian protective barriers S4.1-S4.3Vehicle protective barriers S4.4-S4.5PROVISIONS DEEMED TO SATISFY THE STANDARDS(S2.3) Access to buildings(S2.5) Principal entrance(S2.6- Movement within buildingsS2.7)(S3.10) Rise, going and pitch of stairs(S3.11) Risers and nosings(S3.12) Flights consisting partly of straight and partly of tapered treads(S3.15) Flights consisting wholly of tapered treads(S3.26) Industrial stairs and fixed ladders(S3.27) Stairs and fixed ladders in agricultural buildings(S4.3) Pedestrian protective barriers(S4.5) Vehicle protective barriersASTERISKSThroughout the Technical Standards an asterisk against a standard denotes that a provision deemed to satisfy the standardor some aspect of the standard is specified at the end of the relevant Part.ITALICSThroughout the Technical Standards a term in italics is a defined term. The definition is listed in Part A, General.Amdt: December 1999 3S