ONLINE VERSIONBuilding Regulations 2010 APPROVED DOCUMENT K Protection from falling, collision and impactPublished by NBS, part of RIBA Enterprises Ltd, and available from:RIBA Bookshops Mail Order RIBA BookshopsThe Old Post Office, St Nicholas Street RIBA Bookshops, 66 Portland Place, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 1RHLondon W1B 1AD. Tel +44 (0)20 7307 3753Telephone orders/General enquiries: The Building Centre Bookshop, 26 Store Street, +44 (0)191 244 5557 London WC1E 7BT. Tel +44 (0)20 7692 4040Fax orders: +44 (0)191 244 5533 Email orders: Or order online at: www.ribabookshops.comISBN 978 1 85946 484 7 Stock code 79281© Crown Copyright 2013The content of this publication, excluding logos, may be If you require this publication in an alternative format, reproduced free of charge in any format or medium for please email:, private study or for internal circulation within Copyright in the typographical arrangement, excluding an organisation. This is subject to it being reproduced logos, of the cover and internal page layouts of this accurately and not used in a misleading context. The publication rest with the Publisher. material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright and the title and edition of the publication specified. This document/publication is value added. You may re-use the content (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit: or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or e-mail: www.thenbs.comONLINE VERSION