ONLINE VERSIONProtection against impact from and trapping by doorsK6Section 10: Protection against impact from and trapping by doorsSafety features10.1 Doors and gates should be constructed in accordance with all of the following.a. In door leaves and side panels wider than 450mm, include vision panels towards the leading edge of the door to provide, as a minimum, the zone or zones of visibility shown in Diagram 10.1.b. For sliding doors and gates, provide both of the following: (i) a stop or other effective means to prevent them coming off the end of the track(ii) a retaining rail to prevent doors and gates falling if the suspension system fails or the rollers leave the track.c. On upward-opening doors and gates, fit a device to stop them falling in a way that may cause injury.d. For power-operated doors and gates, provide all of the following:(i) safety features (such as a pressure-sensitive door edge which operates the power switch) to prevent injury to people who are struck or trapped(ii) a readily identifiable and accessible stop switch(iii) the ability for manual or automatic opening if there is a power failure, when necessary for health or safety.48 t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition Approved Document K, 2013 edition Building Regulations 2010ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION