ONLINE VERSIONProtection against impact with glazingK4Safe breakage5.3 Safe breakage is defined in BS EN 12600 section 4 and BS 6206 clause 5.3. In an impact test, a breakage is safe if it creates one of the following.a. A small clear opening only, with detached particles no larger than the specified maximum size.b. Disintegration, with small detached particles.c. Broken glazing in separate pieces that are not sharp or pointed.5.4 A glazing material would be suitable for a critical location if it complies with one of the following.a. It satisfies the requirements of Class 3 of BS EN 12600 or Class C of BS 6206.b. It is installed in a door or in a door side panel and has a pane width exceeding 900mm and it satisfies the requirements of Class 2 of BS EN 12600 or Class B of BS 6206.Robustness5.5 Some glazing materials such as annealed glass gain strength through thickness; others such as polycarbonates or glass blocks are inherently strong. The maximum dimensions for annealed glass of different thicknesses for use in large areas forming fronts to shops, showrooms, offices, factories and public buildings with four edges supported are shown in Diagram 5.2 (see also paragraph 7.1). See para 5.5Any15mm 3.0m12mm2.25m10mm1.10m8mm1.10m 2.25m 4.50m AnyDiagram 5.2 Annealed glass thickness and dimension limits32 t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition Approved Document K, 2013 edition Building Regulations 2010ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION