ONLINE VERSIONProtection from fallingK2 Building Category and location Height (h)See paras 1.38, 3.2 and 3.4 Single family dwellings Stairs, landings, ramps, edges of internal 900mm for all floors elementshExternal balconies, including Juliette 1100mmbalconies and edges of roofFactories and warehouses (light traffic) Stairs, ramps 900mmhLandings and edges of floors 1100mmResidential, institutional, educational, All locations 900mm for flights hoffice and public buildings otherwise 1100mmAssembly Within 530mm in front of fixed seating800mm (h1)h1h2All other locations 900mm for flights elsewhere 1100mm (h2)Retail All locations 900mm for flights hotherwise 1100mmGlazing in all buildings At opening windows except roof 800mmwindows in loft extensions, see Approved hDocument B1At glazing to changes of levels to provide Below 800mmcontainmenthDiagram 3.1 Guarding design3.3 In a building that may be used by children under five years of age during normal use, guarding should be constructed in accordance with both of the following.a. To prevent children being held fast by the guarding: ensure that a 100mm sphere cannot pass through any openings in the guarding.b. To prevent children from readily being able to climb the guarding: avoid horizontal rails.24 t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition Approved Document K, 2013 edition Building Regulations 2010ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION