ONLINE VERSIONRampsK1Width of rampsFor buildings other than dwellings2.9 Regarding the width of a ramp.a. For a ramp that provides access for people: ensure the ramp has a minimum width between walls, upstands or kerbs of 1500mm.b. For a ramp that forms a means of escape, refer also to Approved Document B: Volume 2 – Buildings other than dwellinghouses, B1, Section 5. Obstruction of rampsFor all buildings2.10 Keep ramps clear of permanent obstructions.Handrails for rampsFor buildings other than dwellings2.11 Provide a handrail on both sides of the ramp and design them to comply with paragraph 1.36.In dwellings and for common access areas in buildings that contain flats2.12 Provide all of the following.a. For ramps that are less than 1000mm wide: provide a handrail on one or both sides.b. For ramps that are 1000mm or more wide: provide a handrail on both sides.c. For ramps that are 600mm or less in height: you do not need to provide handrails.d. Position the top of the handrails at a height of 900mm to 1000mm above the surface of the ramp.e. Choose handrails that give firm support and allow a firm grip.f. The handrails may form the top of the guarding if you can match the heights.Landings for rampsFor buildings other than dwellings2.13 Provide all of the following.a. At the foot and head of a ramp, provide landings which are a minimum of 1200mm long and are clear of any door swings or other obstructions. b. Ensure that any intermediate landings are a minimum of 1500mm long and are clear of any door swings or other obstructions.c. If either a wheelchair user cannot see from one end of the ramp to the other or the ramp has three flights or more then provide intermediate landings a minimum of 1800mm wide and a minimum of 1800mm long as passing places.d. Make all landings level or with a maximum gradient of 1:60 along their length.20 t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition Approved Document K, 2013 edition Building Regulations 2010ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION