ONLINE VERSIONStairs and laddersK1For buildings other than dwellings and for common access areas for buildings that contain flats1.40 Provide guarding at the sides of flights and landings when there are two or more risers.In dwellings1.41 Provide guarding at the sides of flights and landings when there is a drop of more than 600mm.Access for maintenanceFor buildings other than dwellings1.42 Where the stairs or ladders will be used to access areas for maintenance they should comply with one of the following.a. If access will be required a minimum of once per month: follow provisions such as those for private stairs in dwellings or for industrial stairs and ladders in BS 5395-3.b. If access will be required less frequently than once a month: it may be appropriate, for example, to use portable ladders. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 give provisions for safe use of temporary means of access.Building Regulations 2010 Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Document K, 2013 edition 17ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION