ONLINE VERSIONStairs and laddersK11.30 The construction of an alternating tread stair should comply with all of the following.a. Comply with Diagram 1.10.b. Make alternating steps uniform with parallel nosings. c. Have slip-resistant surfaces on treads.d. Ensure that the tread sizes over the wider part of the step are in line with the dimensions in Table 1.1.e. Comply with paragraph 1.9b.f. Provide a minimum clear headroom of 2m. See paras 1.29 and 1.30Handrail (both sides)Minimumgoing220mmWith this type ofstair the going ismeasured between alternate nosingsMaximumrise220mmDiagram 1.10 Alternating tread stairFixed laddersIn dwellings1.31 Do not use retractable ladders as means of escape. Refer to Approved Document B: Volume 1 – Dwellinghouses, and Volume 2 – Buildings other than dwellinghouses.1.32 You may use a fixed ladder – with fixed handrails on both sides – only for access in a loft conversion that contains one habitable room, and only when there is not enough space without alteration to the existing space for a stair that satisfies the guidance for dwellings in paragraphs 1.2–1.24. For industrial buildings1.33 Design and construct stairs, ladders and walkways, as appropriate, in accordance with BS 5395-3 or BS 4211.Building Regulations 2010 Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Document K, 2013 edition 13ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION