ONLINE VERSIONStairs and laddersK1For buildings other than dwellings1.23 Provide all of the following. a. An unobstructed length a minimum of 1200mm on each landing. b. Doors that do not swing across landings, except where they comply with paragraph 1.21c. c. For access for maintenance, see paragraph 1.42.For dwellings1.24 A door may swing across a landing at the bottom of a flight, but only as shown in Diagram 1.8. See para 1.24Width of Width of?ight ?ight UpUpAt leastAt least 400mm400mmLandingDoorDoorDiagram 1.8 Landings next to doors in dwellingsSpecial stairsTapered treads1.25 For the rise and going, comply with paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3. For the going of tapered treads, use the measurements shown in Diagram For consecutive tapered treads, use the same going.1.27 If a stair consists of straight and tapered treads, ensure that the going of the tapered treads is not less than the going of the straight treads.Building Regulations 2010 Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Document K, 2013 edition 11ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION