ONLINE VERSIONStairs and laddersK1Section 1: Stairs and laddersScope1.1 The guidance provided in this document covers internal and external steps and stairs when they are part of the building. Additional guidance is provided in Approved Document M when external stepped access also forms part of the principal entrances and alternative accessible entrances, and when they form part of the access route to the building from the boundary of the site and car parking. See Approved Document M Section 1 (for buildings other than dwellings) and Section 6 (for dwellings).Steepness of stairs – rise and going1.2 Measure the rise and going as shown in Diagram 1.1. (For steps with tapered treads, see also paragraphs 1.25–1.27.) See paras 1.2–1.3GoingOpen riserNosing Top surface of treadOpen risertreads shouldoverlap at Top surface of tread RiseDWELLINGSleast 16mmRiserGoing dimensionsto be measuredPitch from nosing to nosingGoingNote: Two examples of tread pro?les have been shown together for illustrative purposes onlyNosingTop surface of treadTreads shouldoverlap noMax 25mm overlapmore thanRise25mmBUILDINGSOTHER THANTop surface of treadDWELLINGS(For tread pro?les seeGoing dimensionsGoingDiagram 1.2)to be measuredPitchfrom nosing to nosingNote: Four examples of tread pro?les have been shown together for illustrative purposes onlyDiagram 1.1 Measuring rise and going4 t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition t K, 2013 edition Approved Document K, 2013 edition Building Regulations 2010ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION