ONLINE VERSIONApproved Document K: Protection from falling, collision and impactSummary0.1 This approved document gives guidance on how to comply with Parts K1, K2, K3, K4, K5.1, K5.2, K5.3, K5.4 and K6 of the Building Regulations. It contains the following sections: Section 1: Guidance on aspects of the geometry of stairs, special stairs, fixed ladders and handrails for and guarding of stairs Section 2: Guidance on ramps and guarding of ramps Section 3: Guidance on protection from falling Section 4: Guidance on vehicle barriers and loading bays Section 5: Guidance on protection against impact with glazing Section 6: Guidance on protection from collision with open windows etc. Section 7: Guidance on manifestation of glazing Section 8: Guidance on safe opening and closing of windows etc. Section 9: Guidance on safe access for cleaning windows etc. Section 10: Guidance on protection against impact from and trapping by doors.Application0.2 Regulation 3 defines building work such that the following applies.a. Glazing which is installed in a location where there was none previously as part of the erection, extension or material alteration of a building (other than an exempt building), and the replacement of a whole unit (i.e. the frame and glazing) is building work and is subject to requirement K4 and K5.2.b. The replacement of glazing whilst retaining an existing frame (e.g. as a repair) is not building work, but the supply of the glazing may be subject to consumer protection legislation.0.3 Requirement K1 applies to means of access outside a building only when the access is part of the building (i.e. attached). For example, requirement K1 does not apply to steps on land leading to a building, but does apply to entrance steps which are part of the building.0.4 Regarding access routes.a. Where access and circulation routes form part of a means of escape for people in case of fire, refer to Approved Document B: Fire safety, Volume 1 – Dwellinghouses, and Volume 2 – Buildings other than dwellinghouses.b. For external pedestrian access and circulation routes to buildings, from the boundary of the site and car parking, reference should also be made to Approved Document M: Access to and use of buildings.Interaction with other legislation0.6 The guidance provided in this document is in relation to the permanent features which form part of the building providing reasonable safety in the appropriate circumstances. However, there may well be particular situations, such as access for maintenance required less frequently than once a month (e.g. see paragraph 1.42b), where such permanent features may be less appropriate. Where Building Regulations 2010 Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Document K, 2013 edition 1ONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION