ONLINE VERSIONContents The approved documents Page iThe Building Regulations iiiApproved Document K: Protection from falling, collision and impact 1 Summary 1 Application 1 Interaction with other legislation 1Requirement K1: Stairs, ladders and ramps 3 Performance 3Section 1: Stairs and ladders 4 Scope 4 Steepness of stairs – rise and going 4 Stepped gangways in assembly buildings 5 Construction of steps 6 Headroom for stairs 7 Width of flights of stairs 8 Length of flights of stairs 9 Landings for stairs 10 Special stairs 11 Handrails for stairs 14 Guarding of stairs 16 Access for maintenance 17Section 2: Ramps 18 Scope 18 Appearance of ramps 18 Steepness of ramps 18 Construction of ramps 19 Design of ramps 19 Width of ramps 20 Obstruction of ramps 20Building Regulations 2010 Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Docu Approved Document K, 2013 edition vONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSIONONLINE VERSION