ONLINE VERSION K5 Section 5: Protection against impactIntroduction to provisionsDiagram 18 Doors with vision panels5.1 This Approved Document sets out some ways of complying with the requirement for suitable construction of doors and gates.Safety features5.2 Provision of features such as the following will satisfy the requirement:a. doors and gates on main traffic routes and those which can be pushed open from either side should have vision panels unless they are low enough to see over (typically 900mm for a person in a wheelchair). Guidance on the size of vision panels suitable for use by disabled people is given in Approved Document M (see Diagram 18);b. sliding doors and gates should have a stop or other effective means to prevent them coming off the end of the track. They should also have a retaining rail to prevent them falling should the suspension system fail or the rollers leave the track; c. upward opening doors and gates should be fitted with a device to stop them falling in a way that could cause injury;d. power operated doors and gates should have:– safety features to prevent injury to people who are struck or trapped (such as a pressure sensitive door edge which operates the power switch);– a readily identifiable and accessible stop switch;– provision for manual or automatic opening in the event of a power failure where and when necessary for health or safety.Approved Document K Protection against impact17ONLINE VERSION