K5 PROTECTION AGAINST IMPACT FROM AND TRAPPING BY DOORS The Requirement K5 This Approved Document deals with the following Requirement from Part K of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2000. Requirement Limits on application Protection against impact from and trapping by doors K5. (1) Provision shall be made to prevent any door or gate: Requirement K5 does not apply to: (a) which slides or opens upwards, from falling onto (a) dwellings or any person; and (b) any door or gate which is part of a lift. (b) which is powered, from trapping any person. ONLINEVERSION (2) Provision shall be made for powered doors and gates to be opened in the event of a power failure. (3) Provision shall be made to ensure a clear view of the space on either side of a swing door or gate. Where necessary, reference should be madeto: Part B Fire Safety (B1: Means of escape has additional guidance for doors on escape routes) and Part M Access and facilities for disabled people (M2: Access and use has additional guidance on the design of internal andexternal doors). Note: Attention is drawn to the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Compliance with Building Regulation requirement K5 would, in accordance with Section 23(3) of the Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974, prevent the service of an improvement notice ONLINEVERSIONwith regard to the requirements for doors and gates in Regulation 18 of the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992. GuidancePerformance In the Secretary of State’s view, requirement K5 will be satisfied if measures are taken to prevent the opening and closing of doors and gates presenting a safety hazard. ONLINEVERSIONProtection against impact Approved Document K16