GUARDS AND BARRIERS K2/3 3.3 Where buildings are likely to be used Vehicle barriers by children under 5 years the guarding should 3.7 Siting: If vehicles have access to a floor, prevent children being held fast by the guarding. roof or ramp which forms part of a building, The construction should be such that a 100mm barriers should be provided to any edges which sphere cannot pass through any opening in the are level with or above the floor or ground or any guarding and so that children will not readily be other route for vehicles (see Diagram 13 ). able to climb it. Horizontal rails for such guarding should be avoided. 3.8 Design: Any wall, parapet, balustrade or similar obstruction may serve as a barrier. Barriers should be at least the height shown in Diagram 14 and should be capable of resisting Diagram 12 Typical locations for forces set out in BS 6399-1:1996 Loading for containmentbuildings. Code of practice for dead and imposed loads. See Diagram 11Diagram 14 Barrier designONLINEVERSIONSee para 3.8 Guarding of areas used for maintenance Loading bays 3.4 Where frequent access for maintenance 3.9 Design: Loading bays should be provided will be required (e.g. at least once per month), with at least one exit point from the lower level provisions such as those suggested for dwellings (preferably near the centre of the rear wall). Wide in this Approved Document (see Diagram 11 ) will loading bays (e.g. those for three or more vehicles)satisfy the requirement. should be provided with at least two exit points, one ONLINEVERSION 3.5 Where access for maintenance will be being at each side. Alternatively, a refuge should required less frequently, it may be appropriatebe provided which people can use to avoid being to use temporary types of guarding or warning struck or crushed by a vehicle (see Diagram 15 ). notices. Provisions for such measures are not covered by Building Regulations, but they are covered by the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 . Diagram 15 Loading bay 3.6 Information on signs is given in the Health See para 3.9and Safety (Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 .Diagram 13 Barrier sitingSee paras 3.7 and 3.8ONLINEVERSION Approved Document K Pedestrian and vehicle barriers13