K1 Section 2: Ramps 2.1 Steepness To permit safe passage the 2.5 Handrails Ramps that are less than 1m steepest slope of ramp that should be used is wide should have a handrail on at least one side. 1:12. They should have a handrail on both sides if they are wider. There is no need to have handrails if 2.2 Headroom All ramps and landings should the rise of the ramp is 600mm or less. have a clear headroom throughout of at least 2m (see Diagram 10 ). Handrails should be at a height of between 900mm and 1000mm. They should give firm 2.3 Width There is no recommendationsupport and allow a firm grip. Handrails can form for minimum ramp widths, except for ramps the top of the guarding if the heights can be which form means of escape; for reference, see matched. For handrails on ramps providing accessApproved Document B: Fire safety. For ramps for disabled people see Approved Document M: providing access for disabled people see Access and facilities for disabled people. Approved Document M: Access and facilitiesfor disabled people. 2.6 Landings Ramps should be provided with landings (see paragraphs 1.15–1.17 ). 2.4 Obstruction of ramps Ramps should be clear of permanent obstructions. 2.7 Guarding Ramps and their landings ONLINEVERSIONshould be guarded at their sides in the same way as stairs (see paragraphs 1.28–1.30 ). Diagram 10 Ramp designSee paras 2.1–2.7ONLINEVERSIONONLINEVERSIONStairs, ladders and ramps Approved Document K10