STAIRS AND LADDERSK1 Diagram 6 ). Doors to cupboards and ducts may 1.19 Where consecutive tapered treads are open in a similar manner over a landing at the top used a uniform going should be maintained. of a flight (see Diagram 7 ). For means of escape 1.20 Where a stair consists of straight and requirements reference should be made to tapered treads the going of the tapered treads Approved Document B: Fire safety. should not be less than the going of the straight 1.17 Landings should be level unless they are flight – these treads should satisfy paragraphs formed by the ground at the top or bottom of a 1.1 to 1.5 . flight. The maximum slope of this type of landing Stairs designed to BS 585-1:1989 Wood stairs. may be 1 in 20 provided that the ground is paved Specification for stairs with closed risersor otherwise made firm. for domestic use, including straight and winder flights and quarter or half landings, will offer reasonable safety. Diagram 6 Landings next to doorsSee para 1.16Diagram 8 Measuring tapered treadsSee para 1.18ONLINEVERSIONDiagram 7 Cupboard onto landingSee para 1.16ONLINEVERSION Special stairsTapered treads 1.18 For steps with tapered treads the going should be measured as follows: a. if the width of flight is narrower than 1m Spiral and helical stairs measure in the middle; and 1.21 Stairs designed in accordance with BS b. if the width of flight is 1m or wider measure 5395-2:1984 Stairs, ladders and walkways. Code 270mm from each side. of practice for the design of helical and spiral The requirement will be satisfied if the rise and stairs will be adequate. ONLINEVERSIONgoing complies with advice in paragraphs 1.1 Stairs with goings less than shown in this standardto 1.5 . may be considered in conversion work when The going of tapered treads should measure at space is limited and the stair does not serve least 50mm at the narrow end (see Diagram 8 ). more than one habitable room. Stairs, ladders and ramps Approved Document K8