K1 Guidance a. for new assembly buildings, BS 5588-6:1991 Performance Fire precautions in the design, construction In the Secretary of State’s view the requirement and use of buildings. Code of Practice for K1 will be met by the use of stairs , ladders places of assembly; and ramps in appropriate circumstances to b. for work to existing assembly buildings, afford reasonable safety between levels in the Guide to Fire Precautions in Existing Placesfollowing buildings: of Entertainment and Like Premises, Home a. dwellings where the difference in level is more Office 1990; than 600mm; c. for stands at sports grounds, Guide to Safety b. other buildings where the change of level is at Sports Grounds, The Stationery Office 1997 . two or more risers (or 380mm if not part ofa stair). Definitions An acceptable level of safety can be achieved 0.5 The following meanings apply to terms by different standards of provision, depending throughout this Approved Document. on the circumstances; for example, in a public Alternating tread stair A stair with paddle ONLINEVERSIONbuilding the standard of provision may be higher shaped treads with the wide portion alternating than in a dwelling, to reflect the lesser familiarity from one side to the other on consecutive treads and greater number of users. (see paragraphs 1.22–1.24 ). Where access is required only for the purpose of Containment A barrier that prevents people maintenance, greater care can be expected from falling from one floor to the storey below (see those gaining access, and it would be reasonable Diagrams 11 and 12 ). that less demanding provisions could satisfy the requirement. Flight The part of a stair or ramp between landings that has a continuous series of steps or a continuous slope (for the widths and lengths of Introduction flights see paragraphs 1.11– 1.14). 0.1 This document describes some ways of meeting the requirement. Going The horizontal dimensions from front to back of a tread less any overlap with the next Section 1 gives guidance on aspects of geometry tread above (for measurement of the going on of stairs , special stairs and guarding of stairs. tapered treads see paragraphs 1.18–1.20 ). Section 2 gives guidance on ramps and guarding Helical stair A stair that describes a helix round of ramps. a central void (see paragraph 1.21 ) . 0.2 The requirement does not apply to means Ladder A means of access to another level of access outside a building unless the access is formed by a series of rungs or narrow treads on part of the building; for example, the requirement which a person normally ascends or descends ONLINEVERSIONdoes not apply to steps on land leading to a facing the ladder (see paragraphs 1.25 and 1.26 ). building, but does apply to entrance steps which are part of the building. Ramp A slope steeper than 1 in 20 designed to conduct a pedestrian or wheelchair user from 0.3 Where access routes: one level to another (see Section 2 ) . a. form part of a means of escape in case of Rise The height between consecutive treads fire, reference should be made to Approved (see paragraphs 1.1–1.6 ). Document B: Fire safety; Spiral stair A stair that describes a helix round a b. are intended as a means of access for disabledcentral column (see paragraph 1.21 ). people, reference should be made to ApprovedDocument M: Access and facilities for Stair A succession of steps and landings that disabled people. makes it possible to pass on foot to other levels. 0.4 In places where a stair or ramp forms part Tapered tread A step in which the nosing is not of the means of access within assembly buildings, parallel to the nosing of the step or landing above such as sports stadia, arenas, theatres, cinemas, it (see paragraphs 1.18–1.20 ). etc., it should conform to the guidance in Part K: Protection from falling, collision and impact. However, where steps are part of the gangways serving areas for spectators or there needs tobe special consideration given to guarding in ONLINEVERSIONspectator areas, then reference should be made to relevant guidance such as: Approved Document K Stairs, ladders and ramps5