Amendments to Approved Documents and Compliance Guides 2010All references to the Building Regulations 2000 (as amended) should be read as references to the Building Regulations 2010. All references to the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2000 should be read as references to the Building (Approved Inspectors etc.) Regulations 2010.There have been no substantive requirements amendments to either set of regulations, but please note the simplifcation of the defnition of ‘room for residential purposes’ in regulation 2 of the Building Regulations 2010. Please also note that L1(c) has now become regulation 40.ONLINEVERSIONThe following tables will help you to fnd the new regulation number for regulations which have been re-numbered in the 2010 Regulations. For any regulation number not included in the tables below, the number of the regulation has not changed. ONLINEVERSIONONLINEVERSIONApproved Document G Sanitation, hot water safety and water effciency1